GLOBAL HEALTH WARNING – Sri Lanka’s fight against COVID-19 Prepare for Risk 🔴 Must take action’ Corona – lets join fight against deadly Wuhan corona virus The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak has risen to 170, and a confirmed case in Tibet means it has reached every region in mainland China. Chinese health authorities said there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29 January. Infections have also spread to at least 15 other countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) are again meeting in Geneva to consider whether the virus should be declared a global health emergency. Various countries have implemented evacuation and quarantine plans for nationals wanting to return from China, where the outbreak began in the city of Wuhan. Russia has decided to close its 4,300km (2,670-mile) far-eastern border with China in an attempt to stop contagion. 🔴 Who has been affected? Although there have been nearly 8,000 infections, there has been little detailed information released on the profiles of patients and how the disease affects them. Most of the confirmed cases involve people either from Wuhan or who had close contact with someone who had been there. A new study published by The New England Journal of Medicine on the corona virus is based on data for the first 425 confirmed cases in Wuhan. It reveals: Of the 425, 55% diagnosed before 1 January were linked to the seafood and animal market believed to be at the centre of the outbreak, compared with 8.6% of the subsequent cases. The average age was 59 years and 56% were men. Almost half the 425 cases were adults 60 years of age or older. Human-to-human transmission among close contacts has occurred since the middle of December.
Quick Facts :
- The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, or Wuhan coronavirus) has spread to 22 countries and territories worldwide, with 7,911 confirmed cases and 170 deaths as of January 30, 2020 06:05 UTC.
- A previously reported case for Zambia has not been confirmed, its status currently being “suspected case.” Ivory Coast, Kenya, and Ethiopia are also reporting suspected cases.
- In the United States, there are 5 cases confirmed by the CDC: 1 in Arizona, 2 in California, 1 in Washington state, and 1 in Illinois. More info.
- Wuhan (the city where the virus originated) is the largest city in Central China, with a population of over 11 million people. The city, On January 23, shut down transport links. Following Wuhan lockdown, the city of Huanggang was also placed in quarantine, and the city of Ezhou has closed its train stations. This means than 18 million people have been placed in isolation. The World Health Organization said cutting off a city as large as Wuhan is “unprecedented in public health history.” and praised China for its incredible commitment to isolate the virus and minimize the spread to other countries.
- Germany, Japan and Vietnam have reported the first cases in patients who didn’t personally visit China, but contracted the virus from someone else who had visited Wuhan, China. These cases of human to human transmission are the most worrisone, according to the WHO.
A pathogen’s harmfulness is determined by the combination of its transmission rate (Ro, reproductive number) and its case fatality rate.
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